Tamil Islamic Media


1. New book retraces footsteps of Arabia's greatest journey ... the Hijrah
  It has been published to mark 1400 years since the Prophet Mohammed's migration from Makkah to Medina Read 2732 Times
2. New book retraces footsteps of Arabia's greatest journey ... the Hijrah
  It has been published to mark 1400 years since the Prophet Mohammed's migration from Makkah to Medina Read 2558 Times
3. Muslim Admiral Zheng He of Ming Era and the Chinese Treasure Fleet
  Zheng He was placed as the admiral in control of the huge fleet and armed forces that undertook these expeditions. Wang Jinghong was appointed his second in command. Zheng He’s first voyage, which departed July 11, 1405, from Suzhou, consisted of a fleet of 317 ships (other sources say 200 ships) holding almost 28,000 crewmen (each ship housing up to 500 men). Read 14064 Times
4. Muslim Admiral Zheng He of Ming Era and the Chinese Treasure Fleet
  Zheng He was placed as the admiral in control of the huge fleet and armed forces that undertook these expeditions. Wang Jinghong was appointed his second in command. Zheng He’s first voyage, which departed July 11, 1405, from Suzhou, consisted of a fleet of 317 ships (other sources say 200 ships) holding almost 28,000 crewmen (each ship housing up to 500 men). Read 8404 Times
5. The Third Crusade, An Islamic Perspective
  The Crusades (from the word Crux meaning Cross) had first been initiated in 1095 by Pope Urban II. The aim was to evict the Muslims from the Holy Lands (Syria, Palestine and Jordan), help halt the Islamic advance and unite the Christians under one banner instead of wasting their time fighting among themselves. Read 26241 Times
6. The Amazing Story of an English Spy at Darul Uloom Deoband, 1875.
  I regret that Sir William Muir is not present today otherwise he would have inspected this madrasah with great zest and eagerness and would have given prizes to the students Read 10037 Times
7. The Last Moments of Khalid Bin Al-Waleed
  In 641, Ayadh bin Ghanam died. In this year, too, died Bilal the Muazzin and Khalid’s defeated foe, Heraclius, Emperor of Rome. The following year it was Khalid’s turn to go. Read 13441 Times
8. Ali Ibn Abi Talib (R A)
  Ali ibn Abi Talib (R A) was Cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad(SAWS). In 656 he became the last of the "rightly guided" caliphs. The fourth of the caliphs or successors of Muhammad(SAWS) , was born in Mecca. His father, Abu Talib, was an uncle of the Prophet (SAWS) , and Ali himself was adopted by Muhammad(SAWS) and educated under his care. Read 11944 Times
9. Uthuman Ibn Affan (R A)
  Uthman (R A) was born into the wealthy Umayyad clan of the Quraish tribe in Mecca, a few years after Muhammad(SAW) . He was an early convert to Islam, and was well known for using his wealth to benefit charities. Read 11166 Times
10. Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (R A)
  Hazrat Ibn Abbas narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said: “There is no angel in the heaven that does not respect ‘Umar and no shaytan on the earth but that he is afraid of ‘Umar .” Read 25243 Times
11. Abu Bakr Siddique (R A)
  He was the first among the Sahaba to accept Islam. He accompanied Rasulullah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) during the Hijrah to Madinatul Munawwarah. Abu Bakr (Radi Allahu Anhu) was a merchant. He freed many slaves, including Bilal (Radi Allahu Anhu) and Umayyah bin Qahaf (Radi Allahu Anhu). Read 17652 Times
12. How did the Prophet (s.a.w) and the sahaba's balance their life between....
  Read 15936 Times